As we celebrate Veteran’s Day, take a closer look at the unsung heroes who work at Clinica Sierra Vista and learn more about their motivations, their biggest takeaways, and their experience working at the forefront of freedom.
Employee Veteran Spotlight – Mario Chiquito Vega

Mario Chiquito Vega has been serving in the Marine Corps Reserve for almost six years. The biggest takeaway from his experience? Resiliency.
“My biggest takeaway has been resiliency. Personally, I think it is a great skill to have in multiple aspects of life.”
Mario joined the U.S. Marines for the traditions and comradery while also searching for a journey of self-improvement. He knew this challenge was out of his comfort zone, which is more of a reason why he decided to move forward.
Although his military background differs from his current profession, he states he feels better equipped to be attentive and to constantly think critically.
Mario would like to thank any active and former service members who may be working with Clinica Sierra Vista. “Thank you for your service and thank you for what you do for our community.”
Mario now works in the payroll department at Clinica Sierra Vista.
Employee Veteran Spotlight – David Spivy

David joined the Army because he felt that I needed help determining what he wanted to do after high school. Eventually, he thought that he would like to work with the California Highway Patrol, and he had hopes that his training in the Army would help prepare him for that job.
Mr. Spivy served in the U.S. Army for 3 years as a Military Policeman from 1985 – 1988 and is most grateful for the leadership that set standards in his life.
Words of wisdom: “Always be kind and respectful to others around you and treat them how you would like to be treated.”
David now works in the accounting department at Clinica Sierra Vista.
Employee Veteran Spotlight – Nathaniel Perez

Nathaniel Perez was motivated to join the U.S. Navy by wanting to gain discipline and self-motivation.
When asked “How has your background equipped you in your current profession?” Nathaniel replied “Luckily, I scored into being in IT in the Navy. I took multiple certifications like A-Plus, Security-Plus, and VMware core essentials.”
“I am most grateful for seeing vets working in the civilian life. Even though transitioning back to civilian life can be tough for some vets, the flexibility that we gained in the field translates well in the civilian world like communication.”
Words of wisdom: “We are as strong as our weakest link.”
Nathaniel now works in the IT department at Clinica Sierra Vista. \
Employee Veteran Spotlight – Alejandra Torres

Ready for some exciting new changes in her life, Alejandra joined the U.S. Navy and knew it would provide her with new experiences. She served for 4.5 years in the U.S. Navy and states that her biggest takeaway is discipline.
“Discipline will take you far in life.”
Although she didn’t travel while on duty, she states “I was stationed in Lemoore, CA most of my enlistment. However, Bootcamp was in Chicago, IL and that was my first time seeing snow so that was special.”
Her military background equipped her with stress management skills and teamwork skills, both of which she states are skills that will always be helpful in other professions.
Alejandra now works in the Behavioral Health department at Clinica Sierra Vista.