We Provide Health Services for All,
No Matter Their Ability to Pay
Services made available to homeless individuals include:
- Substance abuse counseling: intensive outpatient substance abuse counseling for adults, and referrals to inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities, behavioral health, and primary care based on assessment.
- Homeless Most Vulnerable Project: provides housing to chronically homeless individuals with a disability by utilizing the Home First method.
- HUD/HIV permanent support housing: Sebastian Housing project focuses on services for individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, and moving chronically homeless individuals with disabilities into permanent housing.
- Housing Opportunities for persons living with AIDS (HOPWA): HOPWA is a program that offers one-on-one case management services to low-income HIV/AIDS clients to coordinate housing, healthcare, and social services needs for improved overall health. Short-term stabilizing support with rent or mortgage help, and utility assistance are given to clients to help reduce the risk of homelessness. Other supports include hotel/motel vouchers, permanent housing placement services, meals, nutrition, and transportation.
Contact Us
301 Brundage Lane
Bakersfield, CA 90035
Phone: (661) 323-6086
Fax: (661) 843-8615
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.