Overview of the Medi-Cal Adult Expansion 2024
Starting January 1, 2024, the Medi-Cal Adult Expansion will offer full-scope benefits to Californians ages 26-49, regardless of immigration status. This initiative aligns with the Young Adult (Jan. 2020) and Older Adult Expansions (May 2022), contributing to a healthier California for all.

Who is impacted by this expansion?
1. New Enrollee Population
The new enrollee population consists of individuals who are:
- 26 through 49 years of age in January 2024,
- Are NOT currently enrolled in Medi-Cal, who apply for Medi-Cal starting January 1, 2024,
- Must meet all eligibility criteria for full-scope Medi-Cal, except for SIS.
- The new enrollee population can be eligible under any eligibility group, including Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) and Non-MAGI.
2. Transition Population
The transition population consists of individuals who are:
- 26 through 49 years of age,
- ARE currently enrolled in restricted scope Medi-Cal because
- they do not have an SIS or are unable to establish SIS for full-scope Medi-Cal.
- The transition population can be eligible under any eligibility group, including MAGI and Non-MAGI, before January 1, 2024.
Impact on Immigration Status
Utilizing Medi-Cal benefits under this expansion does not affect an individual’s immigration status, in accordance with DHS and USCIS guidelines. The Federal Government has issued a final public charge rule, which limits its application and removes barriers to accessing public benefits for most immigrants. See the CalHHS Public Charge Guide.
Eligibility and Enrollment
Clinica Sierra Vista will play a pivotal role in informing and assisting our community with this expansion. Our Health Insurance Assistance Program (HIAP) team is ready to guide community members through the application process and address any concerns. For support and more information, please contact the HIAP Team.
HIAP Contact Information:

- Kern County:
Phone: (661) 328-4245
Email: KernOutreachProgram@clinicasierravista.org
- Fresno County:
Phone: (855) 867-7216
Email: OutreachProgramFresno@clinicasierravista.org
- For more detailed information:
Please refer to:
DHCS Announcement
Medi-Cal Expansion FAQs
General Informational Notice
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