Clinica Sierra Vista is committed to providing comprehensive healthcare services to all Californians through the Medi-Cal program. Our Health Insurance Assistance Program is here to guide you through the process of determining your eligibility, choosing the right program for you, and understanding the full range of benefits you can receive through Medi-Cal.
Comprehensive Coverage Under Full Medi-Cal
Medi-Cal provides a wide array of services including, but not limited to:
- Medical care
- Specialty care
- Mental health
- Family planning
- Dental care
- Drug use treatment
- Appointment transportation
- In-home care
- Vision care
- And More
Enrolling in Medi-Cal: What You Need to Know
Required Documents for Enrollment
- Photo ID: Government-issued ID or driver’s license
- Citizenship or Immigration Status: Birth certificate, Passport, Naturalization Certificate, or Permanent Resident Card (if applicable)
- Social Security Card: For identity verification (if applicable)
- Income Verification: Pay stubs, employer letters, or tax returns
- California Residency: Utility bill or California ID/license
- Child Support Receipts (if applicable)
After processing your application, you will receive a Notice of Action (NOA) indicating your eligibility for full Medi-Cal coverage.
Redetermination: Updating Your Medi-Cal
Important: Medi-Cal requires you to reapply periodically to confirm your continued eligibility. If there have been any changes in your address, income, family size, or contact details, it’s crucial to update this information. Our team is here to assist you in navigating these changes and updating your information.
Contact Clinica Sierra Vista for Assistance
Our dedicated team at Clinica Sierra Vista is here to ensure you receive the healthcare coverage and support you need through Medi-Cal. Let us help you navigate these services for a healthier, happier life.
- Kern County: Call (661) 328-4245
- Fresno County: Call (855) 867-7216
- To find a Clinica Sierra Vista location that offers health insurance assistance, please click here.
Clinica Sierra Vista Accepts the Following Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans
Kern County
- Dignity Health Medical Network – Central CA/Independence Medical Group (IMG)
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Kern Health Systems
Fresno County
- Anthem State Sponsored Business (SSB)
- HealthNet (Cal Viva)
- Lasalle (Altura formerly Network Medical Mgmt. IPA)
- Anthem
- Healthnet
Managed Care Plan Changes in Kern County
Effective January 1, 2024, HealthNet will no longer be available under Medi-Cal in Kern County. Our team can assist you in selecting a new health plan or primary care provider that aligns with your needs.
2024 Medi-Cal Expansion: Ages 26-49
Effective January 1, 2024, the new Medi-Cal expansion extended full coverage to individuals aged 26 through 49, regardless of immigration status, if they meet other eligibility criteria. This expansion signifies a step toward more inclusive healthcare in California.
Key Points for Existing Medi-Cal Beneficiaries
- Automatic Enrollment: If you’re currently on restricted Medi-Cal due to immigration status, you’ll be automatically enrolled in full-scope Medi-Cal.
- No Need for a New Application: Existing restricted Medi-Cal recipients don’t need to reapply.
The Impact of Medi-Cal on Immigration Status
Utilizing Medi-Cal benefits under this expansion does not affect an individual’s immigration status, in accordance with DHS and USCIS guidelines. The Federal Government has issued a final public charge rule, which limits its application and removes barriers to accessing public benefits for most immigrants. Learn more through the CalHHS Public Charge Guide.
Immigration status doesn’t affect eligibility for Medi-Cal.
Additional Resources and Support
- DHCS Announcement: Adult Medi-Cal Expansion
- FAQs: Medi-Cal Expansion FAQs
- General Information: Medi-Cal Expansion Notice